Committed to Excellence
The first step in improving your cybersecurity is understanding your risk of an attack, and where you can make the biggest improvements. A risk assessment can identify where a business is vulnerable, and help you create a plan of action which should include user training, guidance on securing email platforms, and advice on protecting the business’s most information assets. Our Netchek team works alongside your current IT administrator as your outsource Chief Information Officer and uses our F.I.R.M.S. (Forensic Incident Response Management System) to assist your small business with establishing a line of defense against potential cyber-attacks.
We all know there’s no substitute for a dedicated IT support team but businesses with more limited means can still take measures to improve their cybersecurity. At a fraction of the cost, NetChek offers your company the opportunity to have a cyber partner to work with you to protect against the daily threats of malware, corporate espionage, employee sabotage, etc. Based on your needs, we will meet with your management team weekly, monthly, or quarterly and as well as provide you status reports daily while keeping your systems and devices up to date. We provide IT Consulting, Red Team Pen Testing, and EDR services while providing a team to monitor your network to assess, detect and eliminate threats.
We have a young team eager to continue to learn the constant new changes with today's threats to our technology. Since opening our doors, we’re proud to say that each year we have a bigger list of returning and new clients. Want to experience our expertise for yourself?
Give us a call today and let’s discuss what we can do for you.